Diana González Troncoso
Técnico I+D+I
Instituto Español de Oceanografía / CSIC
Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo
Subida a Radio Faro, 50
36390 Vigo, Spain
+34 986 492 111
Licenciada en Matemáticas y Máster en Estadística. Desde 2001 trabaja en el Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO, CSIC) como asesora de la Unión Europea en la Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO). Miembro del Consejo Científico de NAFO desde 2005, Experta Designada del bacalao de la División 3M desde 2009 y presidenta del STACREC y vicepresidenta del Consejo Científico de NAFO desde 2021. Experta en evaluación de pesquerías y Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE). Experta en datos de campañas científicas en el Área de Regulación de NAFO.
Algunas publicaciones
Álvarez Hernández, M., J. Roca-Pardiñas and D. González Troncoso, In revision. Bootstrap-based method for testing linear combinations of proportions. Application to the sex ratio of the adult cod population in the Flemish Cap Bank.
Nogueira, A., N. Tolimieri and D. González-Troncoso, 2018. Using multivariate state-space models to examine commercial stocks of redfish (Sebastes spp.) on the Flemish Cap. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Nogueira, A., A. Pérez-Rodríguez, D. González-Troncoso and F. Saborido-Rey, 2018. Could population and community indicators contribute to identify the driver factors and describe the dynamic in the Flemish Cap demersal assemblages? Fisheries Research.
Nogueira, A., X. Paz and D. González-Troncoso, 2017. Demersal groundfish assemblages and depth-related trends on Flemish Cap (NAFO Division 3M): 2004-2013. Fisheries Research 186 (2017) 192204.
González-Costas, F., D. González-Troncoso, M.J. Morgan, H. Murua and D. García, 2016. The impact of different assumptions about reproductive potential and recruitment on a Management Strategy Evaluation for the Greenland halibut stock in NAFO Subarea 2 and Division 3KLMNO. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, Vol. 48: 120.
Morgan, M.J., P. A. Shelton, F. González-Costas and D. González-Troncoso, 2016. Compensation potential in six depleted groundfish stocks from the Northwest Atlantic. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2016, 73(2): 257-269.
Nogueira, A., D. González-Troncoso and N. Tolimieri, 2015. Changes and trends in the overexploited fish assemblages of two fishing grounds of the Northwest Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Nogueira A., X. Paz and D. González-Troncoso, 2015. Changes in the exploited demersal fish assemblages in the Southern Grand Banks (NAFO Divisions 3NO): 20022013. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72: 753-770.
Nogueira, A., X. Paz and D. González-Troncoso, 2013. Persistence and Variation on the Groundfish Assemblages on the Southern Grand Banks (NAFO Divisions 3NO): 20022011. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, 45: 1941.